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Report for the first car for the 47th “Magura” brigade from the collection of three cars! 🚙🛻🚗
Dear friends! Today we are pleased to share with you an important report on our joint efforts. Thanks to your support, we were able to purchase and hand over such a long-awaited car to the guys from the 47th “Magura” brigade🙌
We must remember that helping our military is not only our duty, but also an indicator of unity and gratitude.
A special thank you to the Telegram subscribers of the “Real War” channel and public administrators, our friend Andriy, Oleksandr Yalovy and his colleagues, the Angel of Life initiative.
It would not be possible without your help. 🙏
We will continue to collect funds for the other two cars! We invite everyone to join our initiative
Our strength lies in unity, and the future of our country depends only on us🇺🇦
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