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Questions and answers

Helping the army

We do not accept individual requests for help for a specific serviceman, or requests from relatives/friends/acquaintances to provide for their loved ones. Our priority is to help units.

Applications from volunteers or other persons, without a direct request from the command of the unit to our fund.

Requests spoken by phone, sent in personal messages to the foundation team, left in comments or messages of the foundation and its representatives. Please do not write to private phone numbers and social pages.

We ask you to be careful! The official website of the foundation is, it also lists the relevant social networks of the foundation. Transfer funds only after making sure that these are the details of the fund. If you find a scam, please let us know!

To get help, you should fill out this form: FORM
It must contain a scan/photo of the request from the unit command, all fields must be filled in correctly, and additional details about your request/unit can be written in the comments.

The fund helps combat units (ZSU, NSU, DPSU, TrO). Priority is given to requests from units that are already performing combat missions in hot spots. We provide assistance according to the fund’s capabilities: the availability of equipment at the appropriate time, the ability to contract or receive it in the near future.

So. Write to us at the mailbox or call the hotline: +380 093 290 80 91 to discuss current needs or details of the transfer of the foundation’s equipment.

Information about the status of your request will be sent to the specified contact details. Please also check your spam folder. Later – a message will come about the result of its consideration.

A decision on your request can take anywhere from 5 business days to a month, depending on many factors. Among them: the situation at the front, the status of purchases and deliveries, the amount of charitable contributions received, the number of incoming requests to the fund, the time for verification of requests, the presence of all necessary details in the request.

We do not confirm all sent requests or change its status with a phone call.

Important: Receiving a negative response does not mean that your request is not important enough. Sometimes we are forced to refuse due to the limited resources of the fund: the availability of positions is much smaller compared to the number of requests. You can re-apply if you have received a rejection letter asking you to apply later. You can also re-apply if there has been a significant change in the combat tasks of your unit since the time you filled out the previous request.

Assistance from the Foundation

Yes, we try to maintain relations with established suppliers of various equipment, as well as with the guys on the initiative of #ukrSpetsImport. We don’t want the military or volunteers to overpay.

Yes, we are supporters of Italian ambulances, we have a lot of experience and many partners. Italian fast cars are distinguished by good technical and internal condition of the cabin.

Yes, we are trying to maintain relations with established suppliers of various equipment, as well as with the guys on the initiative of #ukrSpetsImport. We do not want the military or volunteers to overpay more.

Yes, the fund has the opportunity to use a variety of equipment, from ordinary 800 kg buckets to full-fledged trucks of 20 tons+

Yes, more often than not, some volunteers have a valid trip abroad. And if they are not busy with the activities of the foundation, they can help drive your vehicle for the needs of the Armed Forces or other military or state formations and forms of ownership.


Currently, the foundation does not need additional volunteers, but in the event of a search, we will publish a corresponding appeal on social networks and on our foundation’s website.


The foundation team does not take any percentage of charitable contributions to help the army or humanitarian aid to civilians.

Many members of the fund work on a charitable basis without salary. We also have the opportunity to cover the salaries of individual team members and other operational needs thanks to separate partnerships with companies that make direct contributions to the foundation’s institutional support, grants, or direct charitable contributions to the fund’s operational activities.

Humanitarian aid

The “From Xiang to Don” Charitable Foundation accepts official appeals from local authorities, medical and educational institutions located in the de-occupied and front-line territories.

We accept humanitarian aid, provided that it meets the actual needs, according to the activities of the humanitarian direction at the moment.

  • Get acquainted with the list of current areas of activity, projects and corresponding needs.
  • You can purchase current positions and pass them on to us. I previously wrote to the mailbox

Follow our social networks, we periodically help local residents based on the fund’s capabilities and the needs of specific regions.

Currently, the Fund accepts only official collective appeals directly from local self-government bodies, medical and educational institutions located in the de-occupied and front-line territories.

To find information about assistance in your region, contact the hotline of the humanitarian headquarters of the CVA in your region or local authorities.

We would like to inform you that the Fund provides assistance to communities in the de-occupied and front-line territories of Kharkiv, Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, Mykolaiv, Donetsk, Luhansk, Sumy and Chernihiv regions. We only accept official applications from local self-government bodies and communal institutions in the specified territories. Charitable assistance is transferred by signing a donation agreement and/or an act of acceptance and transfer with an authorized person.

Submit a completed request through the form at the link.

Transfer of funds

The foundation and its representatives only link to the foundation’s official website, where all possible details are posted. Don’t trust private individuals who send you third-party card or bank account numbers.

Charitable non-refundable contributions are non-refundable. Please check the information you entered before transferring funds.


You can write to the mailbox

Please familiarize yourself with all areas of the foundation’s activities on the pages of our website, and if you have additional questions, write to us at the mailbox

Once you have decided on all areas of the foundation’s activities and projects, write to us at


Soon we will add a complete list of social projects that the foundation is engaged in. You can learn more and, if you wish, join them or help by donating.


Yes, we have partners with service stations that repair cars for military personnel. Also, if there are enough statutory funds, we help close repair bills.

Yes, we have partners both in Ukraine and abroad and access to direct suppliers. Also, if there are enough statutory funds, we help close accounts for the purchase of spare parts and tires.

Yes, we have partners who can paint vehicles. You can see the painting options in our reports. Also, if there are enough statutory funds, we help to close the accounts for painting the vehicle.

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