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Another pickup truck for the 20th Separate Special Purpose Battalion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces! The guys asked to find a live frame and a long body to install the “g” system… I’ll give you a little hint: rain, snow, but g happens… The search lasted almost a month, it’s hard to find a car with a long body and a live frame. The car was found in Poland, in the city of Krzysztof Wielkopolski. As always, not a close path. It is interesting that the owner misunderstood what exactly the pickup will be used for, and decided to make it nice before the arrival, to drill a hole in the body and paint half of the car. When I explained and showed him the photo why and how it will be used, he was a little shocked 🤥
Also, using the opportunity, drove behind the bridge for ISUZU, which we transferred earlier. Also, the road to the city of Klodzko is not close, almost to the border with the Czech Republic. More than 2000 km in one direction.
As always, we are grateful to everyone involved in such stories! We remind you of the great need to close meetings and help the army.
A low bow to all our defenders!!! Together to victory🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦
Story by @cmixirpix
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