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PICKUP FOR – 101 OBRA of the GS

We were approached by the 101st Separate Brigade of the General Staff Guard named after Colonel General Gennadiy Vorobyov with a request to provide a pickup truck for the newly created mobile brigade. The guys have long proved to be skillful warriors, and were honored for shooting down an X-22 cruise missile with the IGLA portable anti-aircraft missile system. We hope the car will help the guy to fulfill his duties, and our skies will become even safer and more secure.
We would like to thank for donating part of the proceeds from the #hrcamp2023 event to purchase a car.
As you can see, you can help in any way, with simple donations, by sending part of the proceeds from sales, and I hope this will encourage responsible businesses to support such an initiative to help their army, which is leading our country to victory!
Glory to our heroes and peaceful heaven to all of us!
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