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Evacuation of damaged and broken vehicles from the front line


Congratulations! Dear friends, we would like to inform you about a new project of the fund for the transportation and evacuation of damaged and broken cars from the front.

The first, as always, to support our project was our permanent donor – @robotaua_official. @robotaua_official is an example of a conscious business, a clear and unambiguous Ukrainian position. This time, the company financed the purchase of a carriage for 2 cars, which, due to incredible difficulties and obstacles, was successfully delivered by @cmixirpix 💪

The need to evacuate cars is growing every day, as there is a decrease in service stations in the East of Ukraine. A large number of cars can get a second chance, because it is cheaper to restore an old car than to assemble a new one and deliver it every time.
That is why we are not standing still, we are collecting on another carriage for 1 car and 2 tow trucks (5t and 11t). Details later🔥

Thanks to everyone involved! Separately, “T” who opened a collection for a tow truck in the amount of $6400🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
Glory to Ukraine🇺🇦

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