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Hemostatic bandage


Hemostatic bandage:
Continuing the topic of individual first aid kits, we consider it necessary to describe another important thing – a hemostatic (hemostatic) bandage.
There are 2 types of bandages:
1. On the basis of coilin
1.1 QuikClot Combat gauze;
1.2 Krovo Spas (sale only for the military);
1.3 Hemostatic (hemostatic is the name).
2. On the basis of chitosan
2.1 Celox;
2.2 ChitoGauze;
2.3 ChitoSAM.

We took all the bandages from the advice of military medics who have been working on the contact line since 2014.

Have this in your first aid kit and your chances will be much higher.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones. (c) @pono1_3_1_2

To be continued…

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