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“The Internet is an integral part of modern life, ensuring the functioning of business, aviation and the banking system. In times of war, communication becomes even more important, as it enables the army to fight and people on the home front to live, work and help the defense.
Since February 24, Ukraine has been going through difficult times. Many Ukrainians have been forced to flee their homes, thousands have been killed or injured, and the infrastructure damage is enormous. But where possible, supermarkets, delivery services, harvesting and production continue to operate. There is a connection that is becoming critically important for the home front and the front.
War changes with the world. The Ukrainian army uses modern communication technologies from Starlink to fight effectively. Software such as Kropyva and Arta helps coordinate artillery strikes and other operations while communicating in hard-to-reach areas. The latest applications of the technology in drones, which we will learn more about later.
Starlink satellite communications played an important role during the siege of the Azovstal plant, enabling the defenders to communicate and coordinate.
The military and volunteers cooperate to provide access to modern communication technologies, increasing the effectiveness of the Ukrainian army and bringing victory closer. In our opinion, redesigned terminals from Adaptis are very convenient for military and volunteer use. Firstly, they become more convenient and practical, and secondly, what is most important in the field is the diverse power supply of the device 12/24/240v. This all emphasizes the importance of the Internet and satellite communications in the fight for Ukraine’s independence.” (c) @cmixirpix
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