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A story with a Swiss chocolate flavor. This story began when @caxap04ek and @eugene_abramov lived in the same house in Kryvyi Rih. After the outbreak of a full-scale war, no one could stand aside. Yevhen and his family have been living in Switzerland for a long time and expressed a desire to help the guys from the 114th separate territorial defense brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with a car. He found a car, had it serviced, and turned to his childhood friend for help with transportation. Yevhen, in turn, turned to @cmixirpix . The tickets were taken the day after we received the task and solved all the documentary nuances. We are grateful to such people who, even from a distance, do not stay away to help and close such important requests. By the way, all the costs of purchase, repair and transportation were covered by Yevhen. We thank the volunteers Yevhen and Andriy for solving the logistics issues! Together we are strong!

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