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Jeep for – 59th Separate Mechanized Infantry Brigade of the Air Assault Company

Well, we want to share an interesting story in the form of a small report!
We have the opportunity – we connect and close important requests 🤝😎
Mitsubishi Pajero jeep 🚙 was handed over to the 59th – OMPBr of the strike drone unit
Let’s get to the heart of the story!
Our country has a wonderful person and philanthropist named Andriy, who systematically helps the Armed Forces of Ukraine, through financial support of our foundation and not only. A small excerpt from the conversation: “Guys, my beloved wife’s birthday is very soon and her wish is a car.”
The surprise is that her desire is to buy a car for the needs of our defenders!
To say that we were happy and surprised is an understatement! And when we called and told the guys that we won’t have to wait a month – a month and a half until we collect the money for the car, they accepted our feelings.
Remember, small donations are a myth!
Victory will be ours!
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