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Another transferred pickup, probably the most heavy, long and expensive car.
The story began as usual: our friend @fatboyscanrun approached the fund with a request to find and buy a car. Since all the drivers had expired their permission to travel abroad, the search for the car was entrusted to people in Europe. There were several options, but they were all either far away or problematic in terms of documents/owners. Here “friends🖕” Poles drop the version of the navara, they say that the car is in good condition, the engine was made recently, the winch, there are minor remarks on the running gear. The option seemed good and we are going for the navara. At the same time, they decided to drive in and pick up a carriage for evacuating broken cars, which was paid for a month ago. For the whole time, the car shows itself from the good side, it reaches Kyiv after traveling a total distance of 2000+ km, and then it stalls. After some manipulations, it starts, the guys who were helped by Andrii say that they can’t wait and they will do it themselves, they take it away without a diagnosis, drive 400 km and then the car dies altogether. Insults begin that we wanted to push in a bad car, we are offended that there can be such thoughts at all. Of course, as always, we go to pick up the car, start diagnosing, it turns out that the cylinder head gasket is punctured. A new head is ordered, it’s about 2-3 weeks, the guys say they don’t have time, we start looking for a way out of the situation and find a Volvo military, who say that the car is perfect, everything is done, sat down and drove, as always, the option looks good in words, after it turns out that the four-wheel drive angle gear is broken, the battery is dead, and some issues with electronics, it’s all fixed, the car comes to the guys, the first few days everything is fine, and then the injector breaks out, the fuel is repaired on the spot, everything is ok, but there is no traction again , some unclear explanations and diagnoses. We are forced to go with a carriage behind the car, a terrible detour is made through the Dnipro, Kryvyi Rih with adventures as usual, thanks to the guys @Vadim and @Mykola for their help. On the spot, it turns out that the car is running, sometimes it loses traction, the turbine actuator sensor is to blame (by the way, the car was taken away, the sensor was changed and it has been performing its duties in one of the divisions for a month, about this later in another report). After the negotiations, we still come to the fact that it is better to make a stew and it will be the right decision. It was difficult to get a car, it is sad that the argument of the seller of the finished engine played such a joke on us, and this is all time, money and relationships between people. As of today, the car is completely finished and performs its duties on one of the directions, the guys wished to remain anonymous without further details.
Let’s not call to help the army, because whoever doesn’t do it is an asshole! And we want everyone to pay attention to the problems faced by the military and volunteers. In addition to the fact that there is a catastrophic lack of equipment, it is not all new, and when a machine breaks down, it is tantamount to a loss.
Draw conclusions, the war will not end tomorrow just like that!
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