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We have been working on this car for the past two weeks. Yehor was approached by his neighbor Serhii, a military man who has been defending our Motherland since 2014. They needed “at least some wheels” for the part (A4945) to evacuate wounded soldiers.
We, in turn, turned to Andrii @cmixirpix, director of the foundation. He quickly drove the car, began to service and paint it. Today, the car is both physically and documentarily ready, and on Monday it will go to the South, where it will receive the balance of the parts.
Car + delivery to Kyiv: UAH 184,000
Renovation (almost major, the deed is attached): UAH 47,000
Painting: UAH 4,000
A total of 235,000 hryvnias
San @olexandr_0303 thank you very much! This car is entirely at your expense.
We also thank Vladyslav Gibner, who sent Maradona’s T-shirt from Germany!
We will report on the other 265,000 in the next 2 weeks. We will also let you know when this Ford will be in the military.
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