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What do the numbers “2” and “3” tell you?


This is the 23rd year, but we are not talking about that.
Maybe it’s just a sequence? – No. And if we say that the portal is 23 years old, does that suggest something? Okay, let’s not drag it 😎

Our friends decided to donate 2 ambulances and 3 pickup trucks to the company for their birthday! This is the story when in difficult times people think not about the holiday, but about the country, about the future, about those who protect it 👍💪. Every time such cooperation only inspires and makes it clear that our common future will be in a prosperous country with the right European values and culture.

Ambulances and pickup trucks will be transferred upon request to our fund, namely:

🚑 – 95th separate amphibious assault brigade;
🚑 – 58th Separate Motorized Infantry Brigade;
🛻 – 20th Separate Special Purpose Battalion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces;
🛻 – 56th separate motorized infantry Mariupol brigade;
🛻 – 79th separate amphibious assault brigade.

Friends, let’s get together! The enemy is awake and waging war on all fronts, starting with our lands and ending with its information space. They collect on pickup trucks, manufacture combat drones in shopping malls. And all for the sake of destroying us as a country, with those views and the future we dream of.
Help physically, informationally, with donations. Any help is our “Holy Debt”, any help is a step towards joint victory🇺🇦

A low bow to our defenders and everyone involved in the fight🤝

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