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Day of Unity of Ukraine


The unity of the Ukrainian lands has deep historical roots, is based on the people’s eternal dream of their own independent, united state, and is the integral result of a complex and long process of its formation. During the feudal fragmentation of the lands of Kievan Rus, calls for joint action by individual princes accompanied the chronicle period of Ukrainian history. The image of an offended Ukraine and the Orthodox faith, and the need to defend it, inspired the Cossack regiments of Bohdan Khmelnytsky. In folk songs and epics, sacred Ukraine has always been imagined as a single body from the Syan to the Don.

Lecture on the Day of Unity of Ukraine

The KPI Library together with the KPI History Department organized a lecture on the history of the Unification Act and the Day of Unity of Ukraine.
👨🏫 The lecturer is Vitalii Buzan, PhD in History, Associate Professor of the Department of History.
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