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PICKUP for the 58th Brigade named Hetman Ivan Vygovsky

Report for the third car from a large fee of UAH 900,000.
Thanks to your donations, the vehicle was handed over to the 58th Hetman Ivan Vygovsky Mechanized Brigade.
After it was delivered to Ukraine, a problem was discovered with the vaccination, ordering and delivery from the UK took time, but the machine is fully ready and is already performing its tasks in one of the hot spots.
We would like to say “thank you” to ALDEN service station and Denis for their help with the repair
We are grateful to Oleksandr Antoniuk for the painting
Thank you for delivering Oleksandr Yalovyi to the front line.
Special thanks to the Real War channel. With your help, we were able to accomplish the task and provide “wheels” for the three units that are defending us in the east and south of our country.
The war is on, we must remember this and help our defenders in every way possible!
P.S: We would also like to congratulate everyone on the day of the creation of the OUN-UPA!
P.P.S: The tube will be drawn on Monday.
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