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On November 10, 2022, the Armed Forces of Ukraine liberated the town of Snihurivka in Mykolaiv region. For eight months (from March 19, 2022), the settlement was occupied by Russian troops. All this time, the townspeople were forced to live without electricity, water, gas and under constant shelling. At the same time, Snihurivka was constantly in the frontline zone, as our military held positions just a few kilometers north of the town. For the occupiers, this area became a strategic defense point, which opened the road to Kherson.

This is our second trip to this de-occupied region. Thanks to our Italian friends Rinascita dell’Ucraina and the Milan-based Renaissance of Ukraine Foundation, warm clothes, medicines and other essentials were delivered to Snihurivka residents.

The warm clothes were distributed and delivered to the districts of the town, where residents could choose the necessary items for themselves and their loved ones. Some of the clothes were handed over to the humanitarian headquarters in Snihurivka.

Medicines and personal hygiene products were delivered to the central hospital in Snihurivka.

We also managed to talk to local residents who survived the occupation. These are truly incredible people! Everyone tried their best to bring the moment of liberation of their home closer – some kept in touch with the Ukrainian military and passed on the coordinates of the occupiers’ locations and other important information, some tried to be partisans and secretly harmed the invading forces, some hung Ukrainian flags around the city, thus irritating the enemy, some looked after the temporarily abandoned houses and apartments of people who managed to leave, thus saving them from being looted by the Russians.

There are many similar stories, and in all of them, the key point is that the residents of Snihuriv district sincerely believed, wanted and expected liberation as soon as possible. The resilience of these people has become the key to Ukraine’s return to their homes. The locals finally got their release, although they had to go through very difficult trials during these eight months.
That is why they need our support and assistance more than anyone else. This is exactly what we are doing and will continue to do!

Snihurivka is Ukraine! 🇺🇦

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