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We visited #hrcamp2023 at the invitation of We participated in a discussion panel on corporate volunteering with:
Oksana Shakhova, Founder & Co-owner Lviv HR Solutions
Evgeniya Kuzminska HRD OKKO
Oleksandra Chuchko, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at Intellias and the Intellas Foundation for Change, volunteer
Andrii Lazarevych, Head of the charity fund “From Syan to Don”
Mariana Ivashyna, Head of Training and Development Service, Galichpharm JSC [TM
“Arterium). Chairman of the Public Council at the Human Resources Department of the Lviv City Council,
Head of the Panacea Trading House
Thank you for the opportunity to participate in an interesting conversation. The amount of useful information is off the charts.
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