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A volunteer certificate is a standardized document issued to confirm that a person has acquired the status of a volunteer and entitles them to engage in volunteer activities.

Who has the right to issue identity cards to volunteers?

The Law of Ukraine “On Volunteer Activity” states that volunteer certificates can be obtained by those who are engaged in volunteer activities in organizations and institutions that involve volunteers in their work. Organizations and institutions that are not-for-profit, such as public associations, charitable organizations, public authorities, local governments, state and municipal enterprises, institutions, organizations, etc. can be involved.

So, they can issue volunteer certificates:

  • public authorities;
  • local governments (village, town, city council);
  • public associations;
  • charitable organizations;
  • state and municipal enterprises, institutions, and organizations;
  • headquarters of the local TRO, the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
  • other non-profit organizations that have engaged volunteers in their activities.

When do you need a volunteer ID?

This document certifies the identity and defines the type of volunteer activity. It facilitates and simplifies the implementation of pro bono work and services provided by volunteers. In addition, this document creates the necessary conditions for volunteering and guarantees the protection of volunteer rights.

Is it necessary to issue a volunteer certificate?

The Law of Ukraine “On Volunteer Activity” does not require organizations and institutions to issue certificates to volunteers involved in their activities.

Where can I find a sample volunteer ID card?

The sample volunteer certificate was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Social Policy of 29.12.2014 No. 1100. The report is available here:

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